Man as God’s Image. Essay of an Interpretation.
First printed in "Philosophical Studies" Nr. 6, 2002
Tbilisi © Levan Gvelesiani 2002
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Man as God’s Image
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;"
(Gen. 1:27)
We can say that this biblical word has, to a large degree, formed our self-consciousness,
molded our self-confidence and strengthened our self-acceptance. From these words, we
learn that we are not like all other creatures around us; we resemble our Creator.
However, when observing what happens around us in nature, but also in society, we ask
ourselves wherein this similarity lies. What can these words in the bible mean? Is man
like God, does he really look like God? Which are the properties which are similar to God
in man?
To answer these questions, we must define the concept of “man” in relation to other
living creatures. Natural science, especially biology, has clearly shown that man’s body
resembles that of many other creatures on earth. The similarity of the genetic structure in
chimpanzees with man is even 99%. Man’s body is genetically as well as structurally
very similar to that of an animal.
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